Welcome to the Foundation Team
Mrs Lort Nursery Teacher |
Miss Atkinson Reception Teacher |
Miss Scott Inclusion Leader |
Miss Lloyd Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Raine Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Nyantakyiwaa Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Yates Teaching Assistant |
Autumn Term Planning Overview:
Spring Term Planning Overview:
Summer Term Planning Overview:
Once your child is ready, they will be sent home with reading books and reading records. We ask that you read with your child at least three times a week and fill in their reading diary. Reading books and diaries should be in school with your child every day.
Occasionally we may send home phonic sounds/tricky words to be practiced alongside their reading.
Your child will need:
Labelled water bottle (your child will be given a free one from school. If lost a charge is made for replacements.)
Reading record returned each day
A School Book Bag to carry their things to and from school. (These are available from the uniform suppliers.)
Black short/jogging bottoms
Plain T-shirt (in their team colour, no logos). We will inform you of your child’s team and the colour t-shirt they will need at the beginning of the Autumn term.
A named PE bag to keep their kit in when it is at school.
On Forest School & PE days, children can come dressed in the appropriate clothing.
Please label each item of clothing clearly so that it can be easily returned to child if mislaid.
Timings of the day:
- 8.40 Doors open
- 8.50 Register
- 11.45- 1.00 Lunch time
- 3.10pm Home time