Welcome to the Foundation Team


Mrs Lort

Nursery Teacher

Miss Atkinson

Reception Teacher

Miss Scott

Inclusion Leader 


Miss Lloyd

Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Raine

Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Nyantakyiwaa

 Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Yates

Teaching Assistant 

Autumn Term Planning Overview:

Click here

Spring Term Planning Overview:

Click here

Summer Term Planning Overview:

Click here


Once your child is ready, they will be sent home with reading books and reading records.  We ask that you read with your child at least three times a week and fill in their reading diary.  Reading books and diaries should be in school with your child every day.

Occasionally we may send home phonic sounds/tricky words to be practiced alongside their reading.

Your child will need:

Labelled water bottle (your child will be given a free one from school. If lost a charge is made for replacements.)

Reading record returned each day

A School Book Bag to carry their things to and from school. (These are available from the uniform suppliers.)


Black short/jogging bottoms

Plain T-shirt (in their team colour, no logos). We will inform you of your child’s team and the colour t-shirt they will need at the beginning of the Autumn term.

A named PE bag to keep their kit in when it is at school.


On Forest School & PE days, children can come dressed in the appropriate clothing.

Please label each item of clothing clearly so that it can be easily returned to child if mislaid.

Timings of the day:

  • 8.40 Doors open
  • 8.50 Register
  • 11.45- 1.00 Lunch time
  • 3.10pm  Home time