Mrs Morris |
Mrs Hitchin |
If you need support with your child’s attendance or are facing any barriers in getting your child to school, we can support you. Please contact the school and ask to meet with Mrs Morris who will help talk through areas of concerns and suggests ways in which we can support you.
Should I keep my child off school - Government Guidance
Miss Scott |
What is an Early Help Assessment?
When one person in a family has a problem, it often affects other people in the family. Early help brings together professionals who will work with the whole family to try and improve things for everyone.
How can it help me?
Your voice and views are important and we want to make sure they are heard and understood. We will work alongside you and your family to find out exactly what concerns you and what support you need, building on the strengths you already have.
What help is on offer?
The support may be different for individual members of the family. We can work with you or signpost you in the direction of appropriate support for a range of issues including:
Family relationships
Behaviours that are challenging
Emotional and mental health
Healthy relationships
Alcohol and drug issues
Routines and boundary setting
To find out more about the process, check out our: EHA Leaflet
Signposting to other agencies
Click on each image to find out more:
Mrs Gill - Club Leader |
Breakfast Club - A safe and warm childcare environment for children to attend before the start of the school day. A healthy breakfast is also provided with the childcare.
Mrs Newbrook - Managing Director |
Portalkids After School Club - is open each school afternoon until 5.30pm,
Based in school, the club collects children from their classes at the end of the day.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
If your child has anxiety regarding school or any aspect of their wider life. We have Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, Mrs Gwynne, Mrs Trower and Mrs Young, who work with individuals and small groups of children to support them with managing feelings and emotions.
Mrs Gwynne |
Mrs Trower |
Mrs Young |

If your child is struggling with friendships, we use Circle of Friends to:
- create a support network for the focus child;
- provide the child with encouragement and recognition for any achievements and progress;
- work with the child to identify difficulties and devising practical ideas to help deal with these difficulties;
- help to put these ideas into practice.
Is your child a young carer? if so we can help make a referral to the Young Carers Association
- Young Carers Service is a commissioned service of Telford & Wrekin Council. The service offers:
- One-to-one support for those who need it most
- Term-time Youth Club
- Holiday and half-term activities, trips and events
- School drop-ins
- Individual befriending support
- Information and advice for the whole family
- Regular newsletter with news, events and helpful advice

Tea and chat sessions including members that support our community.
Our Get-teagethers not only provide free refreshments but opportunity to chat to staff, learn a new craft, speak to local police officers, try a healthy snack, learn a new recipe, hear from our wonderful musicians and much more.

Miss Scott |
Mrs Jones |
Mrs Newbrook |
Sometimes being able to talk through a problem helps to discover a way forward. Our Inclusion Team are always willing to lend a listening ear without judgement or demands.
Transition to new year groups/schools
Change can difficult. We always aim to identify those who may find transition to a new year group or new school difficult and work with them to make is as easy and reassuring as possible.
Sometimes difficulties can be overwhelming for families. Our Inclusion Team will have regular wellbeing check-ins with families and pupils who are finding life challenging.
This can lead to wellbeing check in sessions for the child in school or more in depth and regular sessions to support the child in areas such as mental wellbeing, friendships, family life, bereavement and behaviour.

We take in clean uniform items that your child can no longer make use of. These are then put on display as part of our pre loved. Most of these items are free for parents to take, although it is helpful if a small donation can be made. Occasionally we have new items donated. We do ask for a donation for these items. Pre loved items are put on display at school events. Also, in the warmer weather, we put these items out at the end of the day on the walkway, once a fortnight.
The King's Patch garden grows items for parents and carers. When fruit and vegetables are ready, we have these on display at the end of the school day, on the walkway once a fortnight. We ask parents to make a small donation for items taken. This helps us to buy new seeds.
Mrs Newbrook |
Mrs Markham |
Sometimes children can find a classroom environment difficult. We identify these children and offer them alternative provision. This usually looks like spending the afternoons in a smaller group. where they take part in their lessons.
We can also offer some children a different breakfast provision. This allows them to have a nurturing breakfast where they sit round a table and share. Following this, they take part in physical activities. This can be a much calmer start to the day for some of our children.